Frequently Asked Questions

What does protected view mean when I open a PDF?

PDF files may open in Protected View. In Protected View, you will see a yellow bar at the top of the document window. Click Options, Trust this host always to enable the navigation bar.

What are the minimum requirements from my computer that I will need to participate?

The Technical Requirements can be found here.

Browser,Version and OS


I am unable to chat within the event, how can I chat with other users in the event?

If you are experiencing problems using the chat communication features within the event, such as not receiving new message notifications or being unable to send text in a chat window, it may be due to the configuration of your company's network. Certain firewall configurations can prevent the communication features from functioning properly. Click here for details.

Will I still be able to participate if my company has a corporate firewall in place?

In most cases firewalls will not pose a problem. You should be able to participate in the entire event even if your company has a firewall in place. There is a port checker in the system check. This will allow you to see any potential issues. To run the system check, click here.

I am seeing the following message on my browser "This page contains both secure and nonsecure items. Do you want to display the nonsecure items?" What should I do?

If you are having problems viewing mixed content (http non-secure and https secure content on the same page), please refer to the browser related fixes below.

  • To configure Firefox to display secure content please Click Here.
  • To configure Safari to display secure content please Click Here.
  • To configure Google Chrome to display secure content please Click Here.

Mobile Frequently Asked Questions

Do I need to download anything to view the event on my mobile device?

You will not need to download an application to view the event on your mobile device.

What mobile devices are supported?

The Mobile Requirements can be found here.

Will I be able to participate from my computer and mobile device?

A user may attend via their mobile device or on a PC/Mac browser. The choice is theirs, however a user cannot do both simultaneously as the "Already Logged In" message will display.