POP-UP Blocker
Turning off the Pop-up Blocker
  1. In Internet Explorer, click the "Tools -> Pop-up Blocker -> Turn Off Pop-up Blocker" menu item.

  2. The blocker will be turned off completely, allowing pop-ups on all sites until it is re-enabled.

Configuring the Pop-up Blocker to allow Pop-ups from the event domains
  1. In Internet Explorer, click the "Tools -> Pop-up Blocker -> Pop-up Blocker Settings" menu item.

  2. Type "onlinexperiences.com" into the "Address of Web site to allow" field and click the "Add" button. Note: There may be additional domains that need to be added based on specific event content.

  3. Confirm that the "Allowed Sites" list contains the URL and the "Filter Level" is set to "Low", then click the "Close" button to save the changes.