Detecting Adobe Flash Player Version

In the event you need to install the Adobe Flash Player, you can download it from their site or direct a user to the site and guide them through the install.

Adobe Flash Player Download

There are various ways to detect the Flash Player version that has been installed: Use a Flash Player detector to determine the plugin version of Flash.
    1. Go to using your web browser.
    2. The version number will be listed.
    3. The Adobe Flash Player version required may vary by event. Use the login link with system check to ensure the correct version is installed.
Examine the user's hard drive for the Flash Player installation to look for a standalone (non-browser-dependent) version of Flash
    1. Open the Finder and navigate to the Applications folder.
    2. Click on the "Adobe Flash" folder.
    3. Browse through the "Adobe Flash" folder for a "Player" folder or the "Flash Player Icon."
    4. The Adobe Flash Player version required may vary by event. Use the login link with system check to ensure the correct version is installed.
Examine the user's hard drive for the Flash Player installation to look for a browser plugin version of Flash.  The file will be called Flash Player.plugin.
    1. Locate the file by going to either the main system Library directory (/Library/Internet Plug-Ins/) or in the user’s profile/Library directory (/Users/[user_profile]/Library/Internet Plug-Ins/).
    2. Once you have located the file, select “File” and click “Get Info.”
    3. The version will appear in the “General” section of the info window displayed.
    4. The Adobe Flash Player version required may vary by event. Use the login link with system check to ensure the correct version is installed.