Detecting Adobe Flash Player Version

There are multiple ways to determine if a version of the Adobe Flash Player is installed.

In the event that you need to install the Adobe Flash Player, you can download it from their site or direct a user to the site and guide them through the install.

Adobe Flash Player Download

Use Windows "Manage Add-Ons" Dialog
  1. In Internet Explorer, click the "Tools -> Manage Add-Ons" menu item. The "Manage Add-Ons" dialog will appear.

  2. From the "Show:" drop-down list, select "All add-ons".

  3. Scroll the list if necessary and ensure that "Shockwave Flash Object" appears.
  4. Select the "Shockwave Flash Object" item in the list if it exists, then ensure that the status reads "Enabled". If the Status reads "Disabled", select the "Enable" button.
  5. Click "Close" on the "Manage Add-Ons" dialog to save changes and close the window.
Use the Control Panel "Programs and Features" Dialog
  1. Open the Control Panel and click the "Programs and Features" applet (this may also be called "Add-Remove Programs"). The "Programs and Features" dialog will appear.

  2. Scroll the list if necessary and ensure that there is an entry for "Adobe Flash Player Plugin". The version may appear after the title.

  3. Run the event login link with the system check to view the Adobe Flash Version required for the specific event. If the required minimum version is not installed, the user should download the latest version.
Examine the User's Hard Drive For the Flash Player Installation

This is the least reliable method for determining if a user has the Flash Player installed due to the fact that the existence of the file does not guarantee that the installation is complete and functioning properly.

  1. Use "Window Explorer" or a "Computer" window.
  2. Open the "C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32" directory.
  3. Find a directory named "Macromed" in the "SYSTEM32" directory.
  4. There should be a sub-directory called "Flash" in the "Macromed" directory which contains the Flash Player files.
  5. Confirm the existence of a file named "flash.ocx". The file name may also contain a version number such as "Flash64_11_9_900_170.ocx".
  6. Right-click the "flash.ocx" file and select "Properties" from the popup menu.
  7. Click the "Details" tab to examine the version number.