Signature Sponsors:  ENGEL milacronWhittman TMC

Continuous Improvement in Injection Molding: A PlasticsToday Virtual Event

Injection molders that have survived the tumult of the last decade have done so by being on the leading edge of technology and business practices, but the work of being a better molder is never done. Start or continue your continuous improvement path with us as we gather the insights of thought leaders in wide array of topics relevant to every molders every day, including energy efficiency, tooling technology, and controlled environment molding.

Event Highlights

Listen and participate in the Keynote Address. A leading industry expert will offer clear-cut cost/benefit analysis to help a molder decide which steps would carry the biggest payback for his operation. Follow this speaker’s advice and you will save on your energy bill.

About Virtual Events

PlasticsToday Virtual Conferences and Trade Shows are fully interactive events that incorporate online learning, live chat, easy movement in and out of sessions, chats and exhibitor spaces, and more. Because the conference is virtual you can experience it from the comfort of your own computer, allowing you to instantly access the industry information and solutions you seek.

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Why Attend?
• Learn from industry experts

• Participate in educational sessions in real-time

• Easy access to content and resources

• Interact with suppliers and experts

• Find product design technologies and solutions

Date & Time of Event
September 8, 2011
Show Opens

10:00 A.M. EST

Show Closes

4:00 P.M. EST

Show Archive Ends

September 8, 2012

Signature Sponsors