Displaying Secure Content on Internet Explorer

The secure content display for users on Internet Explorer version 11 has changed. The content on sites onlinexperiences.com, content.onlinexperiences.com, and upload.onlinexperiences.com are delivered through a secure content server (HTTPS). All nonsecure content (HTTP) delivered via sponsor space content will require a pop-up notification on Internet Explorer. The pop-up notification requires an appropriate action by the user to correctly display the sponsor space content.

The prompt will read "Only secure content is displayed". Click "Show all content" on the prompt and then the content will load appropriately.

IE Secure Content Popup

Frequently Asked Questions

I clicked "Yes" on the prompt in IE11 and the page is not displaying correctly. How can I change my setting?

To correct the page display, logout of the event and log back in. Click on the appropriate tab content to force the security prompt. Click "No." The page will display correctly.

How do I know which version of Internet Explorer I am using?

In the top toolbar menu of your browser ("Alt" to activate), click "Help." From within the "Help" menu, click on "About Internet Explorer." A new window will open and display your browser version.

IE Help Menu